Project Title |
Description |
Current Status |
Budget |
Photos |
Basins 1 through 6 Upgrades (Facilities replacement, upgrades and modernization) |
Flocculation and sedimentation basin equipment replacements, upgraded flow control systems, and chemical feed upgrades to comply with current design standards to improve reliability and efficiency of treatment processes.
Basins 5 & 6 Estimated Completion: 2021
Basins 3 & 4 Estimated Completion: 2022
Basins 1 & 2 Estimated Completion: 2023 |
Under Construction
Estimated Completion: 2023
Project Budget: $81,190,000 |
Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Improvements |
Provides additional measures of protection for the pretreatment and mitigation of the effects of harmful algal blooms (HABs) within Lake Erie to further protect the City’s drinking water supply. Work includes upgrades to potassium permanganate and powder activated carbon feed systems at the Low Service Pump Station, and the addition of powder activated carbon storage and feed systems, new ozonation facilities, and filter upgrades at the Collins Park Water Treatment Plant. The project will be completed in three phases with the initial chemical feed work at Low Service and Collins Park completed in 2015, the ozonation project in 2021, and filter upgrades to follow. |
Status Phase 1: Completed
Status Phase 2: Under Construction
Estimated Completion: 2021
Status Phase 3: Under Construction
Estimated Completion: 2023 |
Project Cost, Phase 1: $5,666,000
Project Budget, Phase 2: $55,294,000
Project Budget, Phase 3: $41,786,000 |
New Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System (Facilities replacement, upgrades and modernization) |
Work included replacement of the supervisory control and data acquisition system (computer monitoring and control system) for the water treatment plant and outlying pumping stations. Included the integration of new telemetry and technology upgrades to significantly improve the accuracy, reliability and safety of water plant processes. The new SCADA system enables the staff to obtain real-time data to adjust treatment processes in response to variations in raw water quality and flow demands. The new system also allows remote monitoring and control of pumping facilities to improve system efficiencies. |
Status:Status: Completed |
Project Cost: $6,654,000 |
Flocculation, Sedimentation and Filter Addition – Basin 7 (Water quality, redundancy and new buildings) |
The additional basin will enable the water treatment plant to retain full plant capacity while other portions of the facility are removed from service for repairs and major refurbishment. Work includes new 20-MGD plant addition including a flocculation basin, sedimentation basin, recarbonation basin and rapid sand filters, piping, structures and chemical feed facilities. |
Status:Status: Completed |
Project Cost: $35,719,000 |
Flocculation, Sedimentation and Filter Addition – Basin 8 (Water quality redundancy and new buildings) |
The additional basin will enable the water treatment plant to meet maximum system demands exceeding the existing plant capacity of 120 MGD. Work includes new 20-MGD plant addition including a flocculation basin, sedimentation basin, recarbonation basin and rapid sand filters, piping, structures and chemical feed facilities. |
Status:Status: Completed |
Project Cost: $33,053,000 |
Administration/ Maintenance Building Facilities and Property Acquisition (Facilities Replacement, Upgrades and Modernization) |
The expansion allows for more efficient administrative and maintenance operations. Work includes property acquisition, a new maintenance building for improved maintenance work areas and stockroom, replacement of roofing materials over the chemical and administration building areas, and reconfiguration of existing building space for Treatment administrative and engineering staff. |
Status:Status: Completed |
Project Cost: $16,910,000 |
Plant-Wide Power Improvements (Facilities replacement, upgrades and modernization) |
The new power system upgrades existing power supply to the water treatment plant, adds a redundant power distribution system within the plant for improved reliability, increases capacity within the system for planned improvements, and improves safety for operations. Work includes electrical equipment replacements, new plant substation, high service pumping station switchgear, transformers, and plant power loop. |
Status:Status: Completed |
Project Cost: $29,993,000 |
Low Service Pump Station Improvements (Facilities Replacement, Upgrades and Modernization) |
The project restores an essential facility that pumps raw water from Lake Erie to the Collins Park Plant for treatment. Work that significantly improves the long-term efficiency and reliability of the station includes a new electrical substation, switchgear, pump motors and standby generators; restoration of building masonry, pumps and related piping systems; new HVAC systems and security upgrades. |
Status:Status: Completed |
Project Cost: $37,620,000 |
Clearwell and Treated Water Conduit Improvements (Facilities replacement, upgrades and modernization) |
Inspection and repairs to structures and control gates to maintain the integrity of treated water prior to entering the water distribution system. Work includes dive inspections and structural repairs of the treated water conduits, junction chambers, east and west clearwells, high service pump suction wells and related sluice gates. |
Status Phase 1: Completed
Status Phases 2 and 3: Future Projects |
Project Cost, Phase 1: $1,633,000
Project Budget, Phases 2 and 3: $900,000 |
Filter and Pipe Gallery Improvements (Facilities replacement, upgrades and modernization) |
The project will refurbish the existing system that conveys water to and from the rapid sand filters, which are an essential component of the treatment process. Work includes rebuild of the existing filters to convert to biologically active filters with sand and granular activated carbon media. The filter improvements are designed to provide the third barrier for the treatment of harmful algal bloom toxins. The project also includes replacement of the filter and backwash supply piping, along with replacement of valves and actuators for each of the 30 filters in the plant. |
Status: Under Construction
Estimated Completion: 2023 |
Project Budget: $41,791,000 |
Residual Solids and Lagoon Improvements (Facilities replacement, upgrades and modernization) |
Ensures the capability to transfer, dewater and store residual solids from water treatment plant processes for future reuse and disposal. Phase 1 of the work includes improvements to spent lime Lagoon A piping, embankments, inlet and outlet structures, and overflows as required by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Phase 2 work includes refurbishment of the plate and frame presses and sludge thickener tanks. |
Status Phase 1: Completed
Status Phase 2: Completed |
Project Cost, Phase 1: $1,916,000
Project Cost, Phase 2: $6,000,000 |
Heatherdowns Pumping Station Improvements (Facilities replacement, upgrades and modernization) |
Mechanical, electrical and structural improvements that will restore the reliability and efficiency of the pumping facility to maintain system pressures within the southwestern portions of the City. Work includes rehabilitation of pumps and check valves, electrical equipment replacements, HVAC upgrades and structural refurbishment. |
Status Phase 1: Completed
Status Phase 2: Completed |
Project Cost, Phase 1: $3,519,000
Project Cost, Phase 2: $3,118,000 |
West and East Plant Roof Replacement (Facilities Replacement, Upgrades and Modernization) |
Provides a safe, secure environment for the protection of critical treatment processes and staff, as well as ensuring the long-term structural integrity of the existing buildings. Work includes removal and replacement of concrete roof panels and roofing materials; replacement of corroded steel support elements; and improvements to heating, ventilation and dehumidification and electrical systems. |
Status: Completed |
Project Cost: $14,536,000 |
New Disinfection Facilities (Water Quality, Redundancy and New Buildings) |
Replacement of existing facilities to significantly improve the capacity, reliability and safety of the chlorine disinfection systems. Work includes construction of new chlorine storage and feed building, feed equipment and solution piping, together with a new chlorine dioxide storage, generation, feed equipment and related feed piping. |
Status: Completed |
Project Cost: $11,897,000 |