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Oepa Filter & Pipe Gallery Improvements
Limited Environmental Review and Finding of No Significant Impact – Loan number: FS390915-0124
4/2019 Program Update
Report on the current status of active projects. It also speaks to the upgrades to the Basins 1 through 6 and completion of the new Maintenance Facility and Collins Park Electrical Upgrades.
1/2019 Program Update
Report on the current status of active projects. It also speaks to the construction of the new Ozone Treatment Facilities as well as the electrical upgrades which are nearing completion.
8/2018 Program Report
Report on the current status of active projects. It also speaks to the benefits of a new Maintenance Facility and evolving relationship with the Ohio EPA.
3/2018 Program Update
Report on the status of projects. Includes a construction update on Basins 7 and Basin 8, groundbreaking of the new Maintenance Facility and Chemical Building Renovation project and final work on the Low Service Pumping Station.
10/2017 Program Update
Plan of Capital Improvements progress report including groundbreaking for the most significant expansion of the Collins Park Water Treatment Plant since 1956.
9/2017 Program Update
Construction update including the latest on collaboration efforts for HAB monitoring and treatment.
6/2017 Program Update
Project updates including improvements at the Low Service Pumping Station and the installation of a new power system at the Collins Park Water Treatment Plant.
3/2017 Program Update
Project updates including the announcement of the selected firm to design the new ozone treatment facilities and research on the use of biologically active filters at Collins Park.
Water Rates Rise 13.2% in ‘17
The rate increase is part of a plan for more than $500 million in repairs and upgrades mandated by the Ohio EPA for the city’s water-treatment plant.
12/2016 Program Update
Project updates including the approval of the sale of $75 million in bond funds and transitioning to an updated SCADA system.
Toledo City Council Approves Next Phase of Projects
$61.43 million was approved for more than a dozen projects supporting the infrastructure updates at the Collins Park Water Treatment Plant.
Council Approves $4M to Haul Lime From Water Plant
Custom Ecology of Ohio Inc. will remove 10,000 truckloads of spent lime to make room for two new 20-million-gallon-a-day basins.
8/2016 Program Update
Construction project updates including launch of a new website, review of regional water system studies and current construction progress.
6/2016 Program Update
Project update including the approval of the General Plan of Capital Improvements by the Ohio EPA and current construction progress.
6/2016 Program Update
Quarterly project update including the approval of the General Plan of Capital Improvements by the Ohio EPA and current construction progress.
Toledo Unveils Changes to Algae-tracking Water Dashboard
The City of Toledo unveiled a new web-based water quality dashboard and announced the next phase of multi-million dollar improvements to take place at the Collins Park Water Treatment Plant.
12/2015 Program Update
Construction project updates including completion of the short term Harmful Algal Bloom improvements in time for the 2015 summer season.
8/2015 Program Update
Formulation of Stakeholder Advisory Committee and capital improvement recommendations of the Blue Ribbon panel including use of ozone as the long term treatment barrier for harmful algal toxins.
Toledo Water Plant Gets Ready for Algae
Toledo, Ohio 70-million dollars in improvements to the Toledo water treatment facility should make water emergencies and water advisories a thing of the past. The treatment plant is getting ready to put a new chlorine facility and a new carbon filtration storage facility on line by the start of summer…
5/2015 Program Update
Project construction updates and preparations for the 2015 summer algal bloom season.
Ohio EPA Awards $6.5 Million to Toledo
Craig Butler, director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, said Wednesday he could “think of no better place to be on Earth Day” than in Toledo announcing two zero-interest state loans totaling $6.5 million for more improvements to the city’s water-treatment system.
Interest Free Loans Will Assist With Plant Renovation
TOLEDO, OH (Toledo News Now) – In honor of Earth Day, the City of Toledo’s water plant renovations received a boost from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
Health Department Provides Information on 2014 Water Event
In August 2014, the detection of elevated levels of microcystin (a cyanobacterial toxin) in the Toledo water supply prompted an immediate ‘do not drink’ advisory for the area. In response, the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department, in partnership with the Ohio Department of Health, conducted a Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) study with…